KAWANAUA MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA Turut berpartisipasi dalam Event of Windows to the World on Saturday, 22 October 2022 at INDONESIA EMBASSY IN CAMBERRABy Jeddy Daniel / October 22, 2022 Window to the world 01Window to the world 02Window to the world 03Window to the world 04Window to the world 05Window to the world 06Window to the world 07Window to the world 08Window to the world 10Window to the world 09Window to the world 11Window to the world 12Window to the world 14Window to the world 13Window to the world 16Window to the world 15Window to the world 17Window to the world 18Window to the world 19Window to the world 20Window to the world 21Window to the world 22Window to the world 23
Christmas Celebration 2021 Christmast Celebration 12 Christmast Celebration 11 Christmast Celebration 10 Christmast Celebration 09 Christmast Celebration 08 Christmast Celebration 07 Christmast Celebration 06 Christmast Celebration 05 Christmast…